Prime Minister


His Excellency Most Rev. Mgr. Marc Vattier

Exarch of the Gallican Church, First Minister of Seborga

Art. 43. Government is exercised, under the high authority of the Prince, by a Prime Minister, assisted by a Council of Ministers, composed of at least three Councillors.

Art. 44. The Prime Minister represents the Prince. He exercises the direction of the executive services. He presides, with a casting vote, over the Council of Ministers.

Art. 45. Sovereign Ordinances are deliberated in the Council of Ministers. They are presented to the Prince under the signature of the Prime Minister; they mention the deliberations to which they refer.
They are signed by the Prince; the Prince’s signature gives them executive force.

Art. 46. Sovereign Ordinances are dispensed from deliberation in the Council of Departments and presentation by the Prime Minister:
– relative to the statutes of the Abbey of Seborga and those concerning its members;
– relating to the statutes of the Privy Council and the Council of State;
– regarding cases within the jurisdiction of the Judicial Services Directorate;
– relating to the appointment of members of the Sovereign Abbey, those of the diplomatic and consular corps, of the Prime Minister, Councillors of Departments and assimilated officials, magistrates of the judicial order;
– the granting of the End of Mission Act to consuls;
– the dissolution of the Monastic Council,
– the conferring of honours.

Art. 47. Ministerial Decrees are deliberated in the Council of Ministers and signed by the Prime Minister; they make mention of the deliberations to which they refer. They shall be transmitted to the Prince within 24 hours of their signature and shall become enforceable only in the absence of express opposition by the Prince within 10 days of their transmission by the Prime Minister.
However, the Prince may let the Prime Minister know that he does not intend to make use of his right to oppose certain decrees or categories of orders. These shall then become enforceable as soon as they are signed by the Prime Minister.

Art. 48. Unless otherwise provided by law, the division of matters between Sovereign Ordinances and Ministerial Decrees shall be made by Sovereign Ordinance.

Art. 49. The deliberations of the Council of Ministers shall be the subject of minutes entered in a special register and signed, following the vote, by the members present. The minutes shall mention the vote of each member. They are transmitted within five days of the meeting to the Prince, who may oppose them under the conditions set forth in Article 47 above.

Article 50. The Prime Minister and the Councillors of the Departments are responsible to the Prince for their actions in the administration of the Principality.

Art. 51. The obligations, rights and fundamental guarantees of officials, as well as their civil and criminal liability, are established by law.