Crown Council

Presided over by His Most Reverend Highness the Prince-Abate Archbishop of Seborga
Director General: Father Barnaba, deacon

Art. 75. The Council of the Crown comprises at least nine monks, of Sabourgian nationality, appointed for a term of three years by the Prince.
The functions of the Prime Minister and Ministerial Councillor, known as Ministers, are incompatible with those of members of the Crown Council.
The Secretaries of State and the Prime Minister have the right to participate in the Council, with seats reserved for the meetings of the Monastic Council. They must be heard when they so request.

Art. 76. The Crown Council meets at least twice a year at the summoning of the Prince. The Prince may also convene it whenever he deems it necessary, on his own initiative or at the suggestion of the President of the Crown Council.

Art. 77. TheCrown Council may be consulted by the Prince on matters relating to the higher interests of the State. He may submit suggestions to the Prince.
He is obligatorily consulted on the following topics: international treaties, dissolution of the Monastic Council, applications for naturalisation and reinstatement, pardons and amnesties.